The idea is hot. A breakthrough enhancement of your current product line. An adjacent product that opens new opportunities. How to test the idea? How to produce that first delicate prototype for the crucial feedback?
A proof-of-concept is a crisis point as the seed of an idea germinates into its first fragile presence. The proof-of-concept must be quick and must capture the idea’s essence with such clarity that the benefits are obvious to everyone.
But, there are pitfalls.
It is so easy to lose sight of the essence, and be distracted by the global virtues of completeness, or robustness, or reusability. An excellent proof-of-concept showcases the central nugget of the benefit, yet is built quickly, hints at potential awesome, and doesn’t cost too much.
The proof-of-concept is the idea’s premier test. It is the sales tool to win approval for more resources, more money, more dedicated time, attention, and cross-team involvement.